The durability and security of a water storage system require that a water tank be waterproofed. Leakage, contamination and the possibility of structural damage are among the things that necessitate the proper sealing of water tanks used either for residential, commercial or industrial purposes. This article will discuss why you would need waterproofing services for your water tank, various methods and how to choose a suitable service provider.

Why Water Tank Waterproofing Matters

A variety of problems can plague water tanks including leakage, cracking and seepage if not checked in time with disastrous consequences. Here are some reasons as to why waterproofing is important for water tanks:

Prevents Leakage and Seepage: It seals existing cracks thereby preventing new ones from occurring later on lessening any chance of leakages that may ruin the tank and all around it.

Avoids Contamination: A good sealed tank doesn’t allow any kind of external contaminants into the drinking supply while maintaining stored water free from outside influences thus clean and safe for use.

Prolongs Life: Periodical waterproofing prolongs life expectancy of water tanks. Saving on periodic repairs and replacements work makes it economically sustainable in long term.

Preservation Of Structural Integrity: Waterproofing helps maintain structural integrity mainly in concrete tanks which are prone to cracking as well as erosion.

Common Waterproofing Techniques for Water Tanks

Different methods are used in waterproofing tanks; each having its own advantages and applications:

Cementitious Waterproofing

Cementitious waterproofing refers to coating a cement-based material inside or outer face of the tank. This method is popular because it is easy to use as well as being cheap.

Advantages: Ease of application; Low cost; Strong adhesion to concrete surfaces

Disadvantages: Less flexible making it prone to crack due to some structural movements over time.

Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

Liquid waterproofing involves applying liquid membrane which dries up forming continuous elastic coating that can be used for both internals and externals surfaces. It ensures water does not come in.

Advantages: Creates a seamless and flexible barrier; Resistant to UV and weathering.

Disadvantages: Requires expertise during application, relatively expensive as compared to cementitious methods.

Bituminous Coating

Waterproof coatings also known as asphalt coatings are used in water tanks. A versatile and yet water proof film the material can be easily applied to numerous surfaces with good adhesion.

Advantages: Very good resistance to water and chemicals; it assures very good adhesion.

Disadvantages: It has low UV resistance hence need for additional protection for exposed areas.

Polyurethane Waterproofing

Among them is polyurethane waterproofing which encompasses applying a polyurethane based coating over the surfaces of such tanks. This method creates strong supple barriers that prevent water penetration therefore most suitable for areas with high moisture content.

Advantages: Extremely flexible, resists UV rays, excellent adhesion on many types of surfaces

Disadvantage: Specialized applicator needed and sometimes it may be more costly than other techniques.

How to pick the right Water Tank Waterproofing service.

The following are the guidelines that guide an individual in choosing a water tank waterproofing service:

Experience and Expertise: The selected provider should have proven experience of having worked on tank waterproofing. They can look at reviews and testimonials that will give them some idea about their reputation as well.

Quality of material: Make sure that the service provider is using good quality materials and products that best suit your type of tank and environmental conditions.

Personalised solution: There is a service where one can order a solution applicable to the given issues. In this case, the folktale shows that choices that are good for the tortoise maybe undesirable for the hare.

A strategy that saves money: As there are a number of services out there, then it is prudent to take quotations from several services so as to gain a solution that costs-efficient but not a compromise of quality services.

Post-Sales Support: Partner with a service provider who offers after sales support and maintenance services to ensure continuous performance of water proofing system.


Waterproofing water tanks is the need of hour to maintain integrity and safety in your water storage systems. You would then need appropriate waterproofing technique coupled with a company if you do not want leaks, contaminations or other structural damage. Whichever be cementitious coatings, liquid membranes, bituminous coating or polyurethane system; select any one among these which suits best to your requirement along with increase in life span. This entails that it is wise to engage professional water tank waterproofing companies that will help you long-term by maintaining durability and effectiveness off installed groundwater reservoirs.

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